Hey all! I’m not quite over my bronchitis–I still have antibiotics to take, but it seems to have downgraded it occasional irritating cough from stabbing, sandpapery hell in my lungs and throat, so that’s great. I have, however, got the next two pages flatted and I’ll be colouring them today and tomorrow before I get to wallpapers. All in all, I’m feeling much better and super productive.

Aside from that, did you know that as of Thursday, this comic is seven whole years old? That’s kind of crazy! If I could go back in time and tell 2010 me that I’d be 589 pages and 20 chapters in, I’d have a hell of a time convincing him, I think. This is the longest I’ve ever worked on any one thing, and I’m super excited about what’s to come. Thanks everyone for reading, talking about and recommending us to others, we couldn’t do it without you. Here’s to another year of comics, and May the 4th be with you…on Thursday…