Hey all, page is a bit late, but not for trying. I’ve got the next two pages in various stages of coloured, and the plan is to hopefully wrap that up this afternoon. I also wanna let you all know that for the rest of the month, we’re going to drop our schedule down to one update a week on Fridays. It’s not an emergency or anything but March Break for the kiddo is happening from the 12th to the 16th, and on top of that we’ve been having unusually warm weather. Last spring, our basement was flooding every week for like 2 months as the weather flip-flopped all over the place, and making sure that that doesn’t happen (or alternately, that if it does the damage is minimal) is going to be a huge and frustrating undertaking that neither of us really has time for but need to get done regardless.

Anyhow, we will see you on Friday next week, cheers!