Hey all, this update is from 18/04/24!

We are currently remastering older pages, once chapter at a time. I’ve just batch replaced this entire chapter with remastered pages, so the art quality beyond this point will take a bit of a dip. I’ll be posting only completed chapters, and the above image will move to the end of the most recently updated chapter as we move forwards.

The plan is to do at least a chapter a month for now, while chapters are still short, and then less frequently because chapters get much longer. Not only will the art be getting a bit of a facelift, we are also not beyond re-writing things when we think the narrative calls for it–as such, the last three pages of this chapter have been completely re-written to better portray what we think Endi and Ethma’s dynamic is, which is not something we had a handle on when we first started making this comic in 2010. Cheers!