Morning! Since I haven’t posted one in a while, here’s my most recent progress meter:


As you can see, I am still trucking along, and the general plan is to have the entire thing coloured, lettered and queued up before my buffer runs out on June 3rd, pushing the buffer end date back to mid August, because I am somehow working on 21 pages at once, hahahahahha.

That aside, our patrons just got some colour previews from later in this chapter, as well as a run-down of my tentative work schedule for the rest of the month. For those of you pledging who haven’t seen the notice, voting is up for who the readers’ choice wallpaper for June will feature is currently up, and Noh is winning! Cast your vote asap!

And, last but not least, we announced a fun side project we’re working on the other day. Skags & Scoundrels is art, wallpapers, comics, transcripts, voice files, prose and other fun things that will surround a D&D4e campaign that Cory has reskinned for the Borderlands setting. We’re currently in the design phase where everyone is still making their characters and pulling together their stats and equipment, and you can follow all by following on tumblr! I will, however, let you know when there are new goodies up, and today there is a goodie:


This wallpaper features my (Ran’s) player character, and we’ve been jokingly referring to her as some sort of bee wizard (she’s loosely based off of the swarm druid build). You can download it and all future wallpapers HERE!

Anyhow, every second I am typing this is a second that I am not taking advantage of how quiet the house currently is to colour a third page (or at least a good chunk of it) before I pass out for the evening. Enjoy, and we’ll see you all on Friday!