Hey all, comic is going to be up a day late (so on Wednesday) because the kiddo was sent home from school like an hour after she got there. Despite our insistence that she’s past the contagious stage, the office was for some reason concerned that she had impetigo which looks nothing like HFMD. I spent all of yesterday entertaining a cranky kid with blisters in her mouth and on her hands and feet until we could get in to see her doctor who basically said “yep, this sure is HFMD, she should have been fine to go back to school today since she was contagious Friday night during the fever stage”.

She’s back to school today, which means that the plan is to finish it up today and post it tomorrow instead. I’ll be picking up where I left off just as soon as I finish shovelling breakfast into my face. See you then!

Hey, everyone! Cory here. How are you enjoying the comic? I hope you’re buckled in, because hoo boy, things are about to get a little crazy. And how about that alt text? I hope you’re buckled in, because hoo boy, things are about to get a little crazy.